So my verdict on the Hollywood version? Well, Matthew MacFadyen's Mr Darcy was just OK until the end. He was simply smoldering when he strode across the fog filled moor, coat flapping around his ankles, simply oozing sex appeal.
Kiera Knightly, although a fine actress, was no Lizzie - she seemed to simper and giggle too much for my liking. I think I had been spoilt by Jennifer Ehle's portrayal - she was much better suited to the character.
Colin Firth is by far the quintessential Mr Darcy - he played the part to perfection. It is as if Ms Austin had him in mind for the role when she wrote the novel for he slips into the character perfectly.
He will definitely be my Mr Darcy.
Now if I could just get him to walk across that fog filled moor with the smoldering sexuality of Matthew McFayden ......... ah it would be perfect.