I also got stuck into the two quilts for my sisters' and have one almost finished, only need to do one more side of handsewing on the binding. The other is almost finished with the quilting side of things.
Unfortunately I struck a problem when I was about 30 or 40cm from the end, the ratchet on the take up rod parted company with the rod and so I could not get any tension to finish quilting.
I ended up pin basting the remainder while it was still on the frame and then I will finish it under my machine instead of on the frame.
Still 80% of the quilting is done so it won't be too bad. A quilter I am not - I am a reasonable patchworking but the quilting side of it is not my forte. But I have to admit I am getting better. I even managed a whole two rounds of free motion fern like things - sort of a cross between feathers and ferns - and it doesn't look too bad.
Now I am starting to look around for my next project which is a quilt for my bed - have a few ideas in my mind but nothing definite yet - will keep you posted on that.
For Tanya who asked about my WW dog - its is my own Fozzie Bear, a labradoodle. He spends most of his days in my workroom with me - usually under my work table - and he has learnt to move quickly when I slide around on my chair (I have ran over his tail twice!!). He is a great companion and listens carefully to my ideas for new projects.
In the new year we are getting another dog as a friend for him but I imagine they will both take over my workroom. The new puppy will be a femaile (but we will get her desexed) and she is going to be an Aussie Bulldog. We have our name down on a waiting list for her so come late Jan or Feb I will post some pictures of them both.