Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year and a Bit More Work Done

Let me take this time to wish all my blogger friends around the world a magical New Year - I hope 2010 brings forth all the joy, laughter, happiness and wonder you could wish for.

Meanwhile, did some more work on you-know-who (lol) and thought I would ask for more comments; he is getting the worn look I wanted to achieve; I want him to have a slighly bored/arrogant look but that underlying acceptance and weariness of his lot; sort of hunched in on himself.

I am putting him aside for a week or so and start something new then I will look at him with a fresher view.

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Comments Please...

Working on another face - lol - seem a bit addicted at the moment!

This time it is a much younger person than I have been doing but he is a 'street' fellow and so has a lot of character, apathy and pain in his eyes. He is very dirty, scruffy and scabby but he still seems to me to have a kind of haughty arrogant power.

Tell me what you think - bear in mind that there is still a lot of painting to be done on him but just looking for general thoughts as this portrait thing is so very new to me - this is only my 6th one.

PS - Added a bit more to him so you have two pics now....rotfl

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Friday Funny

A road sign in Northern Territory, Australia

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Nanny's Brag

Now honestly what else can a grandma do but brag...?

My sweet little granddaughter is 3 months old already.

My turn to babysit today and we had fun laughing and playing, till it became all too much and she fell asleep.

Bit awkward trying to take a photo and hold a baby at the same time but I managed

Had to do a little photoshop work on her blind eye as it comes out transparent red but if that is the only problem she has in her life then her life will be wonderful.

It is a wonderful feeling - her lying in my arms so trusting and safe.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009


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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Baking Day

Tuesday I finally got around to making my Christmas cakes - I know, its very late for me but I have had other things on my mind lately.

Still better than last year. Remember last year? Broken arm so no cakes! LOL

Anyway, I have had the fruits and the nuts soaking in brandy for the past week so Tuesday I tackled the cooking process. Here is one of the big containers of mixed ingredients ready to put into tins.

I have perfected my recipe over the years to the point where it is now sought after. I know people who get one tend to gloat to those that don't ... lol..... not sure if it is the taste of the cake or the taste of the plonk in them!

This one shows some of them waiting patiently to be decorated before heading into the oven.

Here is a bench full of cakes from the oven waiting to be unwrapped from their baking paper and then wrapped in alfoil.

I pour more alcohol on each cake once it is cool then wrap it in alfoil, then each week until they are given away or eaten they get another slurp of grog to make them happy.....rotfl.

I make them in all shapes and sizes depending on who they are for but one thing they all have in common - they are well soaked in alcohol - brandy to soak in prior to cooking (a bottle full) and then port poured over them weekly.
I wonder if that is the reasons everyone wants one for Christmas ...... ROTFL!!!

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