Sunday, February 11, 2007

Work Areas

I was reading the lastest entries on Sheilac's blog site Aubirdwoman and Erica's Creative Dabbling this morning and both were talking about sewing rooms/studios. Erica had bought a book called Creating Your Perfect Quilting Space as she likes looking at other peoples work areas, getting ideas; and Sheilac was organising her room - she included a photo and I was really envious of how neat, tidy and organised her room is.

Mine, on the other hand, is like a tornado has swept through and drop miscellaneous debris all over it. I am the most untidy person I know but I do know where everything is......I envy all those tidy people. My stash is sorted into colours and I have baskets for either ongoing projects or certain colours/fabrics that I hace planned for something.

I thrive in total confusion and clutter - I feel more creative. When I clean up (only when there is no more workspace) I feel stiffled and it only take a short while for all the 'mess' to creep back in.

My house is clean but not very tidy - I avoid housework like the plague - actually I will find anything that I think needs doing rather than tackle the chores. This morning I was good and after my grandson and his mum left (they stay every week from Friday to Monday) I got stuck into it and cleaned the kitchen, dining/family room, their bathrooom and our lounge. I was very proud of getting all that done and now I can 'play' without any guilty conscience!

So - should I be daring and show you photos of my workroom? Just for Erica's interest I doubt there would be any inspiration (lol)...... OK - bear in mind I actually tidied up last Friday after getting all the things done for the weekend wedding.
How do you like your work area? Are you cluttered and untidy like me or organised and neat like Sheilac? Do you like to see others work area like Erica?

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