As we all know the meaning of life is 42 but I wanted to delve a little deeper.
This morning as I was feeding the magpie lodgers (see April New Residents) and my mind wandered off into that weird area that sometimes happens (in me anyway), - I thought that the magpies are serving a purpose on good ole Mother Earth – they eat insects. Now if all the birds that ate insects were to disappear we would be over run with the little critters – Mother Nature’s balance.
That in turn got me to wonder about us as a species – of all the creatures on earth we are the only ones that, to me at least, don’t have a purpose. If the human race were wiped out tomorrow it wouldn’t effect the balance of nature or earth except, I imagine, Gaia would breathe a sigh of relief and figure she could now heal the planet after we stuffed it up (sorry to those readers who subscribe to Genesis/AlmightlyBeing).
The average person is born, raises a family and dies – leaving a barely registered footprint – we haven’t done anything spectacular – we have lived, enjoyed our lives but not left anything remarkable except our children, who begin the cycle again. OK, there are people who do leave an indent – people like Einstein, Stephen Hawkings, Louis Pasteur, Mother Theresa even Attila the Hun through to Bill Gates whose claim to fame is that he has a disgustingly large amount of money and he inflicted Windows onto 80% of us computer nerds. Each in their own way has affected the way we live but without any of them the world would still turn and in some instances damn better too.
So what does this all mean? What the hell are we on the earth for anyway? Is there some ulterior purpose that we haven’t discover or is it all from the mice? (Those of you who cannot understand the references to mice and 42 need to read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and all will be made clear)
Don’t get me wrong – I love being here, wouldn’t swap it for anything but in the far reaching depths of my mind I look at my magpies knowing they have a real purpose and then I do wonder what the hell we are supposed to do while we are here beside destroying each other and the Earth?
In accordance with the rules of this tag I, in turn, must tag 5 bloggers who make me think.
Therefore I tag
Molly Brawn Chronicles she makes me laugh and think at the same time
Stomper Girl a wit with a climber & a cherub, not to forget Mr Fixit
Two Lime Leaves I love her wonderful mosaics
Rooruu who take wonderful pictures; and
Ali The Quilting Orchardist (I love reading of her adventures with kiwi fruit)
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