Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I Have Been Tagged!!

I've been TAGGED by Jane - thanks (I think?)


1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you

.2. Post THE RULES on your blog.

3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.

4. Tag 7 people and link to them

5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.So here are 7 things about me...

My 7 things.

1. I got my first tattoo in my late 40s and when 51 got a 'half sleeve' done (you can see a picture of it on my side bar near the bottom.)

2. I love to read but can become obssessed with some books. I reread them until they fall apart. Just finished reading the Harry Potter series for the 21st time and now have got them as ebooks so I can listen to them as I work! My poor copy of The Lord of The Rings is rather ragged looking as I have dipped into the trilogy over 100 times. Look at my list of favourite authors on my side bar and you know what books I re-read.

3. I positvely hate seafood.

4. I am very happy being by myself - I am happy and comfortable in my own company. I sometimes think I wouldn't be upset if I never left my house and never saw another person.

5. I used to design and make collectable teddy bears and sold them via ebay around the world.

6. Like my obsession with books I get fixed on a new idea (craft). I then have to have all the accrouments that go with it - got hooked on scrapbooking and got everything that opened and shut then lost interest. Fortunately I have not lost my interest for quilting or adding to my stash ....l lol

7. I think/speak in pictures - when I speak, listen, read, etc I see pictures in my head. Every part of my life is accompanied by little pictures in my brain. I don't have the ability to turn this off it just happens continually.

Imagine a story in your head and add lots of pictures to illustrate it; now talk aloud about it and visualise a picture to suit each part of the story as you speak - that's me continually and it happens when I listen and read too.

Not sure if this is normal as I have only met two other people who are like this. Maybe the rest of the world is wrong and we are right!

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