Monday, September 14, 2009

Devastating News

We had some terrible news last week - when my little angel was born my son noticed that she had a gold line in one eye. He mentioned it to the midwife who thought it was probably birth trauma. As it didn't go away my son asked the pediatrician about it when he was checking her and his response was that he had never seen it before and it did not look good.

Fortunately he was able to pull strings and got an emergency appointment with an ophthalmologist who gave the same reply. We were all starting to get seriously worried at this point. The ophthalmologist pulled strings of his own and the next day the kids saw a genetic congenital eye specialist.

The news was devastating - it was most likely retinoblastoma; a rare tumour that often means cancer throughout areas of the body. The other news was that she was blind in that eye and the eye would most likely have to be removed. The specialist set up an optical CT scan for Monday (yesterday) and we would know if it was cancer and blood tests would tell us how far it had spread.

She was so good for her scan; slept through the whole thing with her mummy holding her and her daddy holding her head still.

Funny how things get put into perspective - we are all overjoyed. She does not have retinoblastoma instead she has Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous (PHPV) - we have no idea what is in store for her as we now await another doctors appointment but the fact that she has no cancer is cause for celebration.

She is blind in the right eye; the eye is much smaller than the other eye; the retina is detached and cannot be fixed; she will need an operation within a month or so - just exactly what is to be done is unknown at this stage and so is the prognosis for the eye. But our darling does not have cancer and we are all thrilled and so so thankful.

Only a week old and already a veteran of doctor's visits and CT scans .... lol.... and blissfully unaware of the despair and agony her parents and grandparents have gone through in the week since she was born.

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