Monday, March 15, 2010

Missing in Action

Sorry guys but it has been a hell of a few weeks.

To start with I caught some weird bug which took over three weeks to lose - no voice for a week (I can hear you all cheering at that one), vomiting, headache and general weirdness. Anyway, that seems to have finally cleared but did leave me rather lethargic for another week.

Then elder son's partner whose baby was due 11 March started having contractions on the 3rd. Hospital said not enough to admit you, go home and see what happens. I spent the next week either with her, on the phone to her or taking her to the hospital. They kept saying "you are only 3cm dilated and the contractions are irregular, go home." Arrrgggghhhh.

Anyway, I took her to her weekly appointment on the 10th while son was working and we finally got a sensible midwife who laughed when she read the notes and did an internal. S has had 3 previous children and she was never dilated it was just the usual stretchiness from pushing out three babies. And the irregular contractions? No she had a UTI and they bought them on.

Back home again, although this midwife did say the baby was still about 4 cm away from being fully engaged and suggested S 'stomp' down some stairs. Must have worked because the next day her water broke so back to

Only little niggardly contractions so onto the drip to induce her. The contractions finally kicked in with a vengeance around 3.15 and by 3.25 she was ready to push and by 3.30 it was all over bar the singing!

I now have a cute little grandson - Brock William (William after S's grandfather and B's grandfather) - weighed in at 3.5kg (7lb 11oz) and length 51cm (20.5in). Came out screaming, with eyes open and I don't think he has shut them yet; too much to see. Mother and son both very well. She was home the next day.

So now I am going to try and catch up on missing sleep for the last two weeks and get my energy back after the previous 3 weeks......rotfl.

Oh yes, in case you were having withdrawal symptoms this is the latest picture of!

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