Thursday, September 23, 2010

Spring Has Sprung ......

If ever there was something to remind me that it was Spring beside the increasing temperatures it is the daily chorus from the Rainbow Lorrikeets that descend every morning and every afternoon to feed on my Callistemon (bottlebrush), Melaleuca (paperbark),  Eucalypt and Grevillea trees.

They arrive in full voice at daylight and squabble over who gets the tastiest buds, or the best vantage point. They are noisy, colourful and it is wonderful to have them play each day in my trees.

Then each night the Fruit Bats (Flying Foxes) soar in and to take their pick of the choicest blossoms.  Do they eat what the Lorrikeets leave or is it the other way around .... lol? They also squabble over the flowers but not as much as the Lorrikeets.

Add to all that the frogs each night (Striped Marsh Frogs) and you have a Chorus worthy of the Opera House.  (Go to the link and listen to their funny Tock, Tock, whock croak.)

Sadly I do not get as many frogs each season as I used to - once upon a time I would hear dozens of different frogs calling each night now I am lucky to get 5 or 6.

Still they call my front yard home and have done for the past 30 years since I put in a lovely pond just for them.

Just behind my place is the railway line and behind that is the local showground which has lots and lots of trees; the local flock of Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos make their home there and so they visit regularly as well. Their raucous cries can be heard for kilometres .... lol.  The house opposite has a few She Oaks and they love to eat the nuts but it is a very precarious perch because the She Oak's branches are very thin.

Now I am waiting for the arrival of the tiny Blue Wrens that live n the tall grasses along the railway line - there is a very cocky male with his harem of 5 females who is very brave and daring - he comes right to my back door and looks to see if the dogs have left any remnants of dog biscuits as an extra treat instead of his usual insects.

Of course there are snakes and tortoises and lizards living behind my house but they rarely bother me and neither do the red back spiders or the funnel webs.

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