Friday, January 12, 2007

Summer heat

Thursday was hot! 40 degrees Celsius and sooo humid. The air conditioner got a real work out and at least the house wasn't too bad to sleep that night.

Then Friday arrived and the mercury just kept climbing - officially it was around 41.7 but a thermometer here registered over 43. It was so unpleasant, I hate the heat even when it is mild so this burst of heat was anything but welcome. Once again the air conditioner came to the rescue (what on earth did I do before I got it installed - we got ducted install the beginning of Dec) but then around three o'clock in the afternoon some dark clouds rolled in the the thunder rumbled almost continuously.

I took this snap from the back verandah about 3.15pm and it looked so threatening but as usual nothing happened. It rolled over us and headed for parts greener to drop its load of rain.

The only good thing was about 6 a southerly rocketed in and cooled things down. A much more pleasant night for sleeping - all the windows and doors open and the cooling wind ruffling the bed covers.

Today (Sat) is around the 25 degree mark and much nicer. Now if we could only get some rain in the right areas like over the catchment (and in my watertank) we would be very happy.

Have you noticed how weird the weather is though? Three or four times since November we have had 40+ days then the next day around 16. Such wide extremes - I suppose the weather people would say its normal but really I can't recall such variations. And snow on Christmas day? Yes they had it on the Snowy mountains and in Victoria.

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