Friday, January 19, 2007

Too many projects....?

Why oh why did I buy and embroidery machine?

I had calculated that I would have to live until I was around 245 to complete all the quilts and projects I have planned and then I bought an embroidery machine as well!

Now I will just have to add on another 200 or so years to complete all the embroidery projects I have in mind.

At the moment I am working on my Elizabethan Splendour quilt and in between decided to make some white lace to edge some linen for a tablecloth. I bought a lovely pattern on the 'net and love the way it is turning out. (
On top of that my DIL gave me "The Latte Quilt" book and CD so that quilt is now on my to-do list.

My local patchwork store (Hobbysew in Blacktown) had a Presentation day for all their class teachers to show what projects were planned for the year; there were a couple that I would love to attend but because of caring for Philip I can't get to them. This is probably a good thing because that would add even more projects to my growing list.
So what about you? Do you have too many ideas and not enough time like me?
.................It is close to 40 degrees here at the moment and Philip (bless him) came in to say he thinks he will have to put a warm top on as he is feeling chilly - he already is wearing a tracksuit with long sleeved thermals underneath and a T shirt! And I haven't got the air con on at the moment either!!

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