Wednesday, November 5, 2008

8 Weeks On

Well, my arm is still pretty sore - actually it wasn't as sore as it is now until I started phsyiotherapy,now it aches all the time. The physiotherapist isn't that confident of getting much more use back. I can almost touch my hand to my shoulder, but straightening the arm is almost impossible, the worst part is not being able to turn my palm up. I didn't realise how much we need our palm up until I couldn't do it. Even simple things like rubbing your eyebrow on the opposite side is really awkward.

Anyway I will persevere with all the exercise she gives me and hope I get a little more movement than I have now - if not - well at least I can use my arm, it may only be about 85% but I have an arm and I can use it.

Bought myself a laptop computer - now for those of you who know my luck lets just say that it is still running true to form.

Bought a router so I could wander through the house and still be connected to the 'net. Took me 2 days of cursing before I got the damn thing working. Then the laptop wouldn't stay connected for longer than 2 minutes, and if I left the same room as the router then it was gone never to return. Ended up biting the bullet and calling in an expert - she informed me the laptop was faulty! Anyway after a bit of thinking she decided to reformat the whole thing and then restore the factory defaults.

Had a few problems when I loaded some software (antivirus and messenger) but after I did a system restore and then a windows update things looked better. I am sitting in my bedroom typing this and fingers crossed, things are looking up. Have dropped out a few times but then it has reconnected itself which it wasn't doing before.

Bought another new toy earlier - when I first broke my arm and was very limited in what I could do. I bought myself a Sony eReader - I am an avid reader and found books were getting pretty expensive. I started downloading them as either audio or ebooks. The only problem with ebooks was sitting at the computer for hours reading.

Did some research and found that Sony made a good ereader - similar in size to a paperback - but they do not sell them in Australia. Wrote to Sony here and in the US and found it was impossible to buy them through Sony. Then found an Aussie on ebay selling them for a reasonable price - $450 (Aust) so after much humming and harring I decided to buy one.

Man - it was the best thing I ever did. I have over 3000 ebooks on my computer, now I just download 100 at a time to my reader then when I have finished that lot I start on the next 100.

Can even put audio, songs and pictures on it.

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