Thursday, November 13, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I have been tagged by Lindi for a meme.

Here's the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.

2. List 7 things about yourself. Some random, some weird.

3. Tag 3 more players and let them know.

So my 7 random tales are

1. Like Sheila, I do not own a watch - for some strange reason they don't work on me. If they are battery operated, the battery will only last a week if I'm lucky. If they are wind up they run fast, slow or just stop. A Dr once said it has something to do with the electrical current in our bodies. But I can tell time without one and usually right within 15 mins. Don't use an alarm clock either - I can wake up when I need to.

2. I hate wearing shoes - whenever I can I have bare feet. I only owe a couple of pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of sandals and one pair of dressy silver thongy things.

3. I positively HATE seafood - this stems from when I was a child. My father was a professional fisherman and we always had lots of seafood but I can remember my parents and grandfather telling me when we ate fish "watch out for the bones. If you swallow one you will have to eat a cotton wool sandwich."

Even just writing that makes me shiver and gives me goose bumps - to this day I cannot eat anything from the sea.

4. My hair is very very curly. Until 3 years ago I kept it long so that the weight of it would pull the curls out - it didn't work. My hair was down passed my butt but it was still curly and for the first few days after I washed it I looked like all three witches from MacBeth. I only needed to wash it fortnightly and it would take all day to dry. Now it is that short that some men have longer hair than me. Finally because it is so short you can't see the

5. My eyes are greeny grey.

6. I am the youngest of three children all girls but I was, and still am, a tomboy.

7. When I am home alone I turn my music up very very loud and sing and dance around. Worst thing is I can't sing for nuts!

Okay now you know a little more about me. I am supposed to tagged 3 people to write up their facts but instead I will say anyone who visits and has not done this Meme - consider yourself tagged!!

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