Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pick Up Lines

I wrote this on my other blog but thought I would share it with the readers of this one. I am still giggling about it.

"Yesterday after my torture (which is carefully hidden under the name of physiotherapy), I went to my favourite shop ) Bunnings); had to get some rope as part of my therapy; and while I was waiting in the line to be served a very nice looking guy (around 40) commented on my tattoo and then asked me if he could read it while we were in bed. I was a little stunned at first, then babbled something unintelligible - I did notice he was wearing a wedding ring as he had used that had to point at my tatt and he even touched my arm to feel the tatt. I smiled sweetly then paid my bill and walked out. He quickly followed, his car was parked close to mine and he blew me a kiss and said "you sure?" I thank him and shook my head. Now I was very flattered but I am

a) not into jumping into the cot with strangers and;

b) would never do anything with a married man.

Have you ever had a proposition that left you speechless for a moment?

I wish I could have thought of some witty comeback instead of my mumbling babbles but at that moment I was a little stunned. I just never thought I would get this sort of proposition at my age. Just goes to show beauty is in the eye of the beholder doesn't it..... rotfl.

So now I am off to Bunnings - just trying to work out all my clever repartees .... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ..... but I will probably never get approached again ... lol.

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