Friday, December 5, 2008

A Bit of This and That

Christmas is fast approaching and I am not sure if I will get the present shopping done or not ... lol.

Actually I know I will but I hate shopping at the best of times so at Christmas it is even worse plus trying to buy something that the person will like and not put into the 'present recycling bin' is always difficult. Taking the easy way out with a few of the relatives - young teenage girls -the best present MONEY!! That will solve 5 gifts.

This year I am finding it difficult to get into the Christmas spirit - haven't put up any decorations, usually the house is festooned in solar Christmas lights and the inside looks like someone blew up a decoration store - guess it should be expected; this will be the first one since Philip died.

My year continues to spiral vaguely out of control - MIL had a small stroke over a week ago; in the usual fashion no-one bothered to tell me and I found out when I rang to wish her happy birthday. Left messages and was surprised not to get through to her when she rang yesterday and it 'slipped' out what had happened.

This is normal behaviour I find out things by accident weeks after they occurred, but woe betide me if I don't tell them anything immediately. Told the kids I was fed up and wouldn't be ringing that side of the family again - of course I know I will relent in a few days ... lol

On the dating front - had a couple of 'dates' with one guy, liked him a lot thought he did too as he made all the right comments and moves but he has slipped off the edge of the world - the girls tell me he was a 'player' - what on earth that means is beyond me but I am back on the horse and off and riding.....

Had lunch with another chap yesterday, he was very nice but there was nothing there. He spoke about his kids and I spoke about my grandson; he then proceeded to tell about the women he has lived with. I laughed all the way home, not sure if he was bragging, trying to show me he was 'experienced' or what.

Next Tuesday I think I am having lunch or dinner with another - we haven't worked out the fine details yet. If nothing else I am getting free

Still having lots of 'babies' (under 30s) contacting me - it is flattering that they find you sexually attractive but honestly, I imagine walking down the street with one, holding his hand. ROTFL - it would like he had been a naughty boy and his mum (or grandmom) was dragging him home. Even had 3 who persist despite my refusals - oh my today's youth!!

I was disappointed that I didn't have more contact with bachelor number one but it did start the ball rolling and I am bravely sticking my feet in the dating waters with a lot more confidence. I imagine that I will have my heart broken a few times, will (hopefully) break a few and have some memorable experiences.

I am also learning a new language - never texted much before this but the pre-date chats use text language and I am slowly becoming good at it.

B4 u say y, wud u c how ezy it can Its like trying to read personalised number plates.

PS - Ali despite the fact that a toy boy would be nice hanging off my arm - I would like one older than my adult children, out of short pants and able to cross the road without holding onto his mother's hand.

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