Monday, December 22, 2008

Chapter Five - pre Christmas Rush

There has been a bit of a Christmas rush on the dating front - think all the ho ho hoing has been making some bachelors feel a little lonely so they are trying to line up a date for the festive season and the new year.

My 'request contact' box has been over worked and I have been patiently shifting through the pile to see if there are any prospective victims (er candidates).

So what did we have to choose from?

A) Sounded very nice, asian/aussie boy, 51, tall, cute looking - ah damn wants a FWB. That had me googling to figure out what he wanted. Fine Woman Beauty? Free Wife and Board? no it is Friend With Benefits...... *smirk*. OK I ain't no-one's playtoy unless they sign over the keys to the mansion, the yacht, the billion dollar bank account, etc

B) Mr 51, Friendly, House Trained, in Need of Woman for Relationship - mmm - this looked interesting, read through his profile, ah yes sounded possible until you reach the last line - unable to commit to permanent relationship as married. Into the bin with him.

c) Attractive Middle Aged Gent Seeks Lady for Relationship - ok let's have a look at his profile. Mmm reads ok, can't see any mentions of wives, FWB or other less desirable traits. Accept contact. Few emails and some IMs - sounding interesting. Meet for coffee? Thank you that would be very nice. Ooops - who is this 5foot 1 inch bald man? I am sure the description said 5'8", brown hair ......... ?
"Er yes."
"Hi I'm **."
"Er hello, you don't look like your description. I didn't recognise you"
"Well no, but I found that women didn't want to talk to me if I said I was short and bald."

Gee and he thinks they will speak to him when they find out he lied?? DUH! I don't think so.

d) Oh hell an 18 years old - bin.

e) Ah Mr Persistent (see last post) - wondered if I would hear from you this week, into the bin.

f, g, h and i) All under 25, bin

j & k) Married, bin

Well, I still have a week before 2009 so it will be interesting to see what lands in the contact box.

My Christmas will be spent without the company of any of the above - they won't be found under my mistletoe or be jingling my bells.

So stay tuned for the next exciting chapter; hopefully the New Year will bring some genuine victims who are enjoying this dating game as much as me.

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