Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Spirit Award

I have just been given this new award by Lindi and Jane. Thank you both!

The conditions associated with this award mean that I am to name 5 reasons why I love Christmas
  1. Family
  2. Santa
  3. Food (oh my - too much food!)
  4. Decorations
  5. The hint of the New Year to come
I now have to pass this award on to someone who has got into the Christmas spirit - tada- Pamela from Come What May who joined in the fun of the decorated blogs this year.


PS Can the people who were in the blog comp please email me their snail mail adddies I only have Pamela, Birdies and Jackies.
Happy New Year!!

Please Protect Her!

Make 2009 the year that you make some changes to your life to help protect the enviroment,
even a small change can help.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Post Christmas Dating Update

Christmas has been and gone; the mess cleaned up, wrapping papers and cards in the recycle bin; and now it is time for relaxing and enjoying the holidays. New Year's Eve is just around the corner and then 2009 will be on us with a bang.

So how are things on my dating front??

Well an update on B3 is definitely needed. As you know I was very attracted to B3 and he is overseas until early Jan and has been flooded my email box and IM with messages. His messages have taken a slightly concerning tone and I am 99.99% sure that the B no longer stands for Bachelor but something along the lines of Bi. Now I have no problems with anyone's sexual preferences but I am not about to get into a relationship with someone who, shall we say, considers both ends of the dating spectrum. So on that note I sent off an email explaining that I would not be pursuing the relationship and my reasons.

Was very amused by a pair of contacts over the break - 23 year old from interstate sent a request along with his pics - one of which showed him with a mate. I refused contact then received another request, this time from a 22 year old, same area - think you all know what I am going to write next. Yes among his pics was the same one with his mate. Guess they thought I may like two little toy boys instead of one. Ah the confidence of youth!

Another thing that amuses me is the 'male mid-life' crisis. So many guys between 45 and 55 are out there searching for a new mate - they are all looking for Ms Perfect - slim, attractive, intelligent, independently wealthy (dad owns a brewery) - yet these guys are far from perfect themselves. They are often very overweight, no oil paintings and in their profiles have stated that they cannot find Ms Perfect despite being on the dating site for a few years.

Guess what guys? Ms Perfect is out with Mr Right and unless you have some hidden talent or a multi million dollar bank account she isn't going to come calling.

I updated my photos and profile to see if I would get any more hits (preferably in the right age group and state); my profile now is full of witty and stimulating entries; I have even emphasised the fact that I am a BBW and hinted that BBWs have more fun and are more intelligent and I have given the impression that those prospective partners are missing out on life by not contacting a BBW - just have to hope I am the only one on the

Must be working because I have had a sudden spurt of requests for contacts - 6 under 30s, 2 under 40, 7 from interstate, one from England and wait for it - yes 4 from nearby!

Of the nearby ones - chatted to one for a short while but when he asked me a) how much did I weigh, b) did I have a large stomach that was unattractive when naked and c) did I enjoy alternative sexual positions I decided to block his contact at that point, then sat and laughed for about ten minutes with tears rolling down my face. So that left 3. One is only 40 and I think maybe looking for 'mature lady' sex. One is away until after christmas so will have to wait to continue talking and the third seems nice and will hopefully be chatting with him later today.

So off I go heading into the new year with a new photo and new profile. So keep your fantasies alive and well by tuning in and living vicariously through this blog.

Ideas and suggestions accepted and all will be carefully considered.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


And the winner is..........

This year we have a three way tie for first place.......Ta Da
Come What May
Jackies Jam and
Susan in Stitches

A two way tie for second
Aubirdwoman and
Snippets n' Scraps

Third place -
Spreading the Faerie Dust

fourth place tie
Quilty Threads and
That Grrl

Thank you to everyone who participated and to all those great people who took the time to vote.

Could the winners email me their snail mail addy so we can arrange for their prizes?

I would like to think we get double the entries next year. Well done everyone for joining in the fun.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Chapter Five - pre Christmas Rush

There has been a bit of a Christmas rush on the dating front - think all the ho ho hoing has been making some bachelors feel a little lonely so they are trying to line up a date for the festive season and the new year.

My 'request contact' box has been over worked and I have been patiently shifting through the pile to see if there are any prospective victims (er candidates).

So what did we have to choose from?

A) Sounded very nice, asian/aussie boy, 51, tall, cute looking - ah damn wants a FWB. That had me googling to figure out what he wanted. Fine Woman Beauty? Free Wife and Board? no it is Friend With Benefits...... *smirk*. OK I ain't no-one's playtoy unless they sign over the keys to the mansion, the yacht, the billion dollar bank account, etc

B) Mr 51, Friendly, House Trained, in Need of Woman for Relationship - mmm - this looked interesting, read through his profile, ah yes sounded possible until you reach the last line - unable to commit to permanent relationship as married. Into the bin with him.

c) Attractive Middle Aged Gent Seeks Lady for Relationship - ok let's have a look at his profile. Mmm reads ok, can't see any mentions of wives, FWB or other less desirable traits. Accept contact. Few emails and some IMs - sounding interesting. Meet for coffee? Thank you that would be very nice. Ooops - who is this 5foot 1 inch bald man? I am sure the description said 5'8", brown hair ......... ?
"Er yes."
"Hi I'm **."
"Er hello, you don't look like your description. I didn't recognise you"
"Well no, but I found that women didn't want to talk to me if I said I was short and bald."

Gee and he thinks they will speak to him when they find out he lied?? DUH! I don't think so.

d) Oh hell an 18 years old - bin.

e) Ah Mr Persistent (see last post) - wondered if I would hear from you this week, into the bin.

f, g, h and i) All under 25, bin

j & k) Married, bin

Well, I still have a week before 2009 so it will be interesting to see what lands in the contact box.

My Christmas will be spent without the company of any of the above - they won't be found under my mistletoe or be jingling my bells.

So stay tuned for the next exciting chapter; hopefully the New Year will bring some genuine victims who are enjoying this dating game as much as me.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Chapter Four

It is very refreshing that after B1, who said he would turn up and didn't (nor did he ring) and B2, who bragged of past conquests while I stifled yawns; B3 has kept his word and continues to send either emails or IM messages, have chatted to him a number of times via IM.

Isn't technology wonderful - we take so much for granted in this day and age of techno wonder, yet we can sit comfortably at home, even in bed, and 'talk' to someone on the other side of the world. Those people with friends and relatives far away can chat each day and not feel so isolated.

Instantly when we hit the enter/send button our correspondent is reading our words and typing theirs in return. In the modern dating game this is an essential tool - in case you girls reading this were not aware, males think, dream, eat and react with their male appendage; therefore no matter how hard they try, sex filters into the conversation. With IMs you can notice when the conversation subtly changes and innuendos begin creeping in; some then blatantly begin to ask intimate questions others drop unsubtle hints that they hope you will respond to. So in viewing prospective bachelors you can see how their mind works depending on how quickly these crop up into the conversation.

B3 and I have had at least 50 IMs and almost that many emails. It has only been in the last few that his male appendage is starting to ask questions - this is good because others have allowed it to 'type' as early as the first IM or

(Oops just got an image of that in my mind - lol - bachelor with keyboard handy, appendage saying "damn keep hitting the wrong key, think we need a smaller/bigger keyboard.")

Anyway, back to the bachelor saga - so B3 has kept up with contact as promised. B4, what I hear you say, there is another? Yep, B4 - this one was not a keeper but it was nice to chat with him. He lives on acreage about 500kms away so I knew, as far as I was concerned, there would be nothing happening but he was in my town visiting his children so I agreed to have a coffee.

Okay, I am not someone who judges people on their looks but - in saying that - B4 was unshaven, has stains down the front of his shirt and look rather, shall we say.... em, er, ah - messy? I have never drunk hot coffee so quickly and ran so fast Being a 'wise' woman (Faerie Queen this is how you think now that you are 50 - very smart we are), I had told him prior to meeting that I was obliged to take son into the city so could only spare a short time.

Oh my goodness was I grateful for that small fib - actually it was just a bending of the truth because I did have to drive son to the city but that was about 5 hours

Once I made it home safely I logged on so as to delete Mr Wonderful and - yep right again - there was a email from him. "You are a wonderful woman, I could spend the rest of my life getting to know you ......". And another asking if I would like to go to the movies with him. Bugger!

Oh hell, I am sure that mystery person who is spreading the word needs to be reminded of the criteria I set when posting for a male! I know I requested that the most important part was they be breathing and male but I did hope they knew how to use a shower, razor, toothbrush and soap.

Looks like I need to update my criteria.

So we now cross off B4.

In keeping with the humour of this saga I shall tell you of another 'prospective' male who will not even get contact from me (except hitting the little button on the site that tells him I am not interested).

He is within an acceptable age bracket (he is 47) and lives within 15 kms,in his profile he sounds interesting although a little full of self. He has requested contact faithfully ever few weeks. Now the site I am on allows you to post a few photos of yourself and also post some private pics. These are very carefully vetted so as no nudity or sexual intent is displayed. My private pics show my half sleeve tat, so you get the idea. Mr Persistent, after being refused weekly for the past 4 weeks decided on Friday that I obviously did not have enough photos (he had 7) to look at so he allowed me access to his private ones.

Alright - I should have ignored the access (because if you 'visit' someone else's profile they know) but I have to admit to being curious.

Mr Persistent had another 10 photos!!! Taken with his mobile phone - Mr P - flecking his shoulder and arm muscles, Mr P staring sultrily into the camera, Mr P from behind with no shirt looking over his shoulder with a leer, etc etc. My goodness anyone who puts 17 photos of themselves 'posing' obviously has no room in their life for another person. And to top it off he is nothing much to look at despite his own description as "attractively handsome, 47 year old who is in very best physical shape". Mmmm wasn't that a love handle or two I could see?

The outcome was he saw I had visited and he requested contacted twice in the one day!!

So girls, I know you are living vicariously through my dating skills and lack of love life so I will keep you all posted.

Suggestions on
a) ignoring persistent sleazes;
b) wording for updated criteria;
c) excuses for drinking coffee in 5 mins and racing away -
will be gratefully accepted and all be taken into careful consideration.

Friday, December 19, 2008

An oldie but so good..... Bailey the Unknown Reindeer


Time to vote for your favourite blog.

Please all my visitors, please go and look at the blogs who have participated and vote for your favourite blog.

The link list is right under the voting poll so go. Put on your Christmas hat, grab your jingle bells, have a slice of cake or biscuit, a drink (or two), put your feet up and 'visit'.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Dating Saga continues....

An update on the dating front seems a good idea.

B3 (Bachelor Number 3 - see previous posts); has winged his way to OS for Christmas, he will be away for three weeks but has promised to email me when he can. Have had a lot of emails and IMs back and forth, including from the airport while waiting for his flight, so this looks promising.

Have three amusing and 'interesting' contacts to share with you all.

I got a request for contact from a 51 year old - thought OK - so we chatted a little and during the conversation I asked him if he was single "No but I am in an open relationship. does that matter?" DUH what do you think. Politely told him I wasn't interested - he then told me that he love the pics posted in my profile and the description about myself and he would like to "masturbate across my ample bosoms." I disconnect at that point and cut off contact, then proceeded to burst into laughter. Oh my, do I get them!!

Second - a hottie from the US, very attractive, 47 with an 8 year old son. Would like to chat for a while then fly over to 'conduct our relationship in person' - think he needs a 'greencard' or whatever we call them over here.

Third - a US member of the peace keeping force in Iraq, attractive 58 - by the end of the conversation with him he was planning marriage. He sent me a "ten foot long" email professing undying love and "I truly believe you are my soul mate, I have to tell you how much I love you and need you."

I mean what on earth do you say to an email like that? I was amazed, laughing and crying all at once. Honestly I may be 59 but I didn't come down in the last shower and I am that not 'desperate for a male" in my life! Think he has been around too many camels in the desert; even a lovely 100 year old woman would probably get a proposal .... although some of those camels are really beautiful ..... rotfl.

Still knocking back contacts from the under 25s including one from China!! Beats me who is spreading the word about the crazy old chick in Australia who "loves"??? getting contact requests from post pubescent males under 25 ......

Anyway I will keep you posted on the 'dating game', how things pan out and if there is a bachelor number four anywhere, although I must admit I do like number three.... woo woo ... not sure if I should put the 'looking' on hold until he returns and we see what happens. I am glad I meet two others before this one as it puts him into perspective; and on the plus side he hasn't been in the desert lately.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Last Week for Decorate Your Blog Competition

Time to get those last minute swags of tinsels and a few extra baubles on your blog!!

Will be putting up the poll for voting on Sat 20th Dec - so you have a week left to make any final touches to your blogs.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Would Bachelor Number Three Step Forward....

Continuing on from the last post and feeling a little like a contestant on a game show I went off to meet Bachelor Number Three.

Our meeting was a little spontaneous as we had planned to have a drink on Thursday evening to say hello but while having a quick IM chat today he told me he was nipping out to the bank and wondered if he dare ask if I would like to meet him along the way for a chat - now I hate waiting so of course I said yes.

He was a very nice down to earth guy - nicely dressed and cute in a manly rugged type of way.

He had asked if I had meet any others and told him he was the third - he seemed chuffed and said third is always Anyway, he seems nice so we shall see how things progress after he (and I have ) has thought back on our meeting.

This is all rather exciting - meeting three men in three weeks ..... wow!!

On a very funny note - little boy under 20 (yes he is 19!!) who has asked for contact 3 times was at it again today, begging for contact. Wonder if his mummy knows what he does when he is on the internet? His picture, obviously taken via web cam, shows an earnest pimply face child with earphones plugged in staring into his computer. Why isn't he outside chatting up the local girls instead of trying to get into the "pants" of a woman who is old enough to be his great granny??

I'm sorry but I sit and laugh each time I get these requests - my imagination runs away and I can't help but giggle.

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Bit of This and That

Christmas is fast approaching and I am not sure if I will get the present shopping done or not ... lol.

Actually I know I will but I hate shopping at the best of times so at Christmas it is even worse plus trying to buy something that the person will like and not put into the 'present recycling bin' is always difficult. Taking the easy way out with a few of the relatives - young teenage girls -the best present MONEY!! That will solve 5 gifts.

This year I am finding it difficult to get into the Christmas spirit - haven't put up any decorations, usually the house is festooned in solar Christmas lights and the inside looks like someone blew up a decoration store - guess it should be expected; this will be the first one since Philip died.

My year continues to spiral vaguely out of control - MIL had a small stroke over a week ago; in the usual fashion no-one bothered to tell me and I found out when I rang to wish her happy birthday. Left messages and was surprised not to get through to her when she rang yesterday and it 'slipped' out what had happened.

This is normal behaviour I find out things by accident weeks after they occurred, but woe betide me if I don't tell them anything immediately. Told the kids I was fed up and wouldn't be ringing that side of the family again - of course I know I will relent in a few days ... lol

On the dating front - had a couple of 'dates' with one guy, liked him a lot thought he did too as he made all the right comments and moves but he has slipped off the edge of the world - the girls tell me he was a 'player' - what on earth that means is beyond me but I am back on the horse and off and riding.....

Had lunch with another chap yesterday, he was very nice but there was nothing there. He spoke about his kids and I spoke about my grandson; he then proceeded to tell about the women he has lived with. I laughed all the way home, not sure if he was bragging, trying to show me he was 'experienced' or what.

Next Tuesday I think I am having lunch or dinner with another - we haven't worked out the fine details yet. If nothing else I am getting free

Still having lots of 'babies' (under 30s) contacting me - it is flattering that they find you sexually attractive but honestly, I imagine walking down the street with one, holding his hand. ROTFL - it would like he had been a naughty boy and his mum (or grandmom) was dragging him home. Even had 3 who persist despite my refusals - oh my today's youth!!

I was disappointed that I didn't have more contact with bachelor number one but it did start the ball rolling and I am bravely sticking my feet in the dating waters with a lot more confidence. I imagine that I will have my heart broken a few times, will (hopefully) break a few and have some memorable experiences.

I am also learning a new language - never texted much before this but the pre-date chats use text language and I am slowly becoming good at it.

B4 u say y, wud u c how ezy it can Its like trying to read personalised number plates.

PS - Ali despite the fact that a toy boy would be nice hanging off my arm - I would like one older than my adult children, out of short pants and able to cross the road without holding onto his mother's hand.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Link Fixed

Just a quick note to tell you I fixed the dead link for the singing Santa and his reindeer - click on the picture and enjoy!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Continuing Saga of The Arm

Eleven weeks down the track and I am still being tortured by the Australian version of the Spanish Inquisition - actually in fairness to her she has got some more movement back for me so in spite of the pain I cannot complain; in fact if I had to have physio again or knew someone who needed it I would tell them to see her.

Saw the infamous Drs for a review of treatment and options.

First Doc - mmmm can you do this? aahhh Can you do this? emm. Yes, I see. Okay wait here.

Leaves room and returns with older (wiser??) doc in tow. Second Doc introduces self, shakes hands smiles nicely.

Second Doc - mmmm can you do this? aahhh Can you do this? emm. Turns to first doc and says "Yes, I see what you mean."

I mean to say these guys go to Uni, do internship, residency and all they can say is "mmm, ahh and emm?"

At this point I felt like the proverbial 5th wheel , felt like yelling "HELLO - I'm sitting here, talk to me and tell me whats going on?"

Second Doc - Okay, Mrs P may I call you Suzanne?? Sweet smile on his face (think I was supposed to feel relaxed and not threatened) Yes? Ok normal people (oops does he mean I am not normal?) have a range like this (flings his arms in circles etc) you, on the other hand, can only do this - (restricted circle this time). Basically you have no supination on the left arm, you cannot turn your palm upward - (gee I knew that and I didn't even go to medical school).

We have four options for you - leave it; remove head of radius and replace with metal; remove head of radius and head of elbow and replace with metal or scrap bone during arthroscope. What would you like to do?

Finally I get to speak!! - What guarantee can you give me that I will not be worse off than I am now?

Second Doc - None (said with the sweetest smile on his face)

Me - Well forget it, you can just leave it! I went on to explain the physio results etc. Second Doc smiles and says - "if it was my arm I would say exactly the same thing".

Anyway, after going into the details of the break and how all the fragments may have set, the outcome is I am to continue with the phsyio until January then have an xray and make a final decision then. Superior doc did say that the xray may show some roughness that would improve movement if it was removed via an arthroscope but we will have to wait and see.


On a brighter note (if you have read my other blog) I have had a 'second date' and a third one is happening tomorrow. So, yes, I have a big smile and enjoying LIFE ....... lol

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Marie Antoinette Award

Oh my, Birdie (Aubirdwoman) has awarded me the Marie Antoinette Award- A real person - A real award!

I am overwhelmed, a little embarrassed and quietly chuffed - thank you so much Birdie!

I think she reads too much into my blogs - rotfl - my other one, Philip's Story is really a rant and rave that she has held my hand over. Thanks Birdie for the award and thanks for the hand holding and the cuddles and the shoulder to cry on. I'm glad you won the award.

Here are the Rules for the Award:
1. Please put the logo on your blog
2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs
4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them.

Gee nominating people - I find that very hard - I do love reading Lindi's blog and I know what she has been through so Lindi consider yourself nominated!

Also OzJane - anyone who can tidy up like that is a real person!

Sorry, I can't think of 7 people but figured two who really deserve it would be fine.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pick Up Lines

I wrote this on my other blog but thought I would share it with the readers of this one. I am still giggling about it.

"Yesterday after my torture (which is carefully hidden under the name of physiotherapy), I went to my favourite shop ) Bunnings); had to get some rope as part of my therapy; and while I was waiting in the line to be served a very nice looking guy (around 40) commented on my tattoo and then asked me if he could read it while we were in bed. I was a little stunned at first, then babbled something unintelligible - I did notice he was wearing a wedding ring as he had used that had to point at my tatt and he even touched my arm to feel the tatt. I smiled sweetly then paid my bill and walked out. He quickly followed, his car was parked close to mine and he blew me a kiss and said "you sure?" I thank him and shook my head. Now I was very flattered but I am

a) not into jumping into the cot with strangers and;

b) would never do anything with a married man.

Have you ever had a proposition that left you speechless for a moment?

I wish I could have thought of some witty comeback instead of my mumbling babbles but at that moment I was a little stunned. I just never thought I would get this sort of proposition at my age. Just goes to show beauty is in the eye of the beholder doesn't it..... rotfl.

So now I am off to Bunnings - just trying to work out all my clever repartees .... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ..... but I will probably never get approached again ... lol.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I have been tagged by Lindi for a meme.

Here's the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.

2. List 7 things about yourself. Some random, some weird.

3. Tag 3 more players and let them know.

So my 7 random tales are

1. Like Sheila, I do not own a watch - for some strange reason they don't work on me. If they are battery operated, the battery will only last a week if I'm lucky. If they are wind up they run fast, slow or just stop. A Dr once said it has something to do with the electrical current in our bodies. But I can tell time without one and usually right within 15 mins. Don't use an alarm clock either - I can wake up when I need to.

2. I hate wearing shoes - whenever I can I have bare feet. I only owe a couple of pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of sandals and one pair of dressy silver thongy things.

3. I positively HATE seafood - this stems from when I was a child. My father was a professional fisherman and we always had lots of seafood but I can remember my parents and grandfather telling me when we ate fish "watch out for the bones. If you swallow one you will have to eat a cotton wool sandwich."

Even just writing that makes me shiver and gives me goose bumps - to this day I cannot eat anything from the sea.

4. My hair is very very curly. Until 3 years ago I kept it long so that the weight of it would pull the curls out - it didn't work. My hair was down passed my butt but it was still curly and for the first few days after I washed it I looked like all three witches from MacBeth. I only needed to wash it fortnightly and it would take all day to dry. Now it is that short that some men have longer hair than me. Finally because it is so short you can't see the

5. My eyes are greeny grey.

6. I am the youngest of three children all girls but I was, and still am, a tomboy.

7. When I am home alone I turn my music up very very loud and sing and dance around. Worst thing is I can't sing for nuts!

Okay now you know a little more about me. I am supposed to tagged 3 people to write up their facts but instead I will say anyone who visits and has not done this Meme - consider yourself tagged!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Monday Morning

I thought the Drs examining my arm were cruel but they have nothing on my phsyio.

She is a tiny little thing barely 5 feet tall and yet she can inflict pain and torture with the best of the Spanish Inquisition. I do know it is for my own good but that doesn't make it any better when all you want to do it yell and say "Please no more!!" I am amazed at the strength of her. She is tiny and so cute.

Still she is getting some results - I could straighten my arm 52 degrees now she has got it to 70 degrees; she isn't sure I will get much more back but that isn't stopping her from trying. The major concern is turning my palm upward - despite inflicting such torture it isn't improving.

I never realised how hard it is to rub the back of your neck when you can't turn your palm, even dressing is awkward, I have to learn old skills over again a new way. I am just hoping I will be able to knit, crochet and sew.

Fortunately I can still type and paint - been spending a lot of time doing some charcoal studies, male nude torso will probably do some in watercolours and oils once I decide which studies have turned out best - and of course, the computer is a mainstay.

This year I will have to forgo making my Christmas cakes - I usually make between 25 and 40 to give as presents to the relies and friends but it involves a lot of heavy lifting and I am not allowed to lift more than 2 kgs with my arm yet. So now I have to figure out what to give people instead, this will be the first time in about 30 years I haven't made my cakes - I know there will be a lot of disappointed people but they will get over it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's on Again - Decorate Your Blog for Christmas

Why not get into the festive season? Decorate your blog for Christmas! We decorate our houses so why not decorate our blogs.

Email me ( ) for the html. code for the clumsy Santa banner and then put in a link back here so we can keep tabs on who has joined. Maybe we could all take a virtual tour of decorated blogs mid December.

We could nominate those decorated blogs that we like - there will be PRIZES!!! Yeah, we love prizes. Aubirdwoman and Lindi and Jackie have all volunteered to add to the prize pool again.


As we get more blogs involved I will put up a poll for the finalists.

Come on get into the spirit of the season and join Sheila (Aubirdwoman), Lindi, Jackie and me!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

8 Weeks On

Well, my arm is still pretty sore - actually it wasn't as sore as it is now until I started phsyiotherapy,now it aches all the time. The physiotherapist isn't that confident of getting much more use back. I can almost touch my hand to my shoulder, but straightening the arm is almost impossible, the worst part is not being able to turn my palm up. I didn't realise how much we need our palm up until I couldn't do it. Even simple things like rubbing your eyebrow on the opposite side is really awkward.

Anyway I will persevere with all the exercise she gives me and hope I get a little more movement than I have now - if not - well at least I can use my arm, it may only be about 85% but I have an arm and I can use it.

Bought myself a laptop computer - now for those of you who know my luck lets just say that it is still running true to form.

Bought a router so I could wander through the house and still be connected to the 'net. Took me 2 days of cursing before I got the damn thing working. Then the laptop wouldn't stay connected for longer than 2 minutes, and if I left the same room as the router then it was gone never to return. Ended up biting the bullet and calling in an expert - she informed me the laptop was faulty! Anyway after a bit of thinking she decided to reformat the whole thing and then restore the factory defaults.

Had a few problems when I loaded some software (antivirus and messenger) but after I did a system restore and then a windows update things looked better. I am sitting in my bedroom typing this and fingers crossed, things are looking up. Have dropped out a few times but then it has reconnected itself which it wasn't doing before.

Bought another new toy earlier - when I first broke my arm and was very limited in what I could do. I bought myself a Sony eReader - I am an avid reader and found books were getting pretty expensive. I started downloading them as either audio or ebooks. The only problem with ebooks was sitting at the computer for hours reading.

Did some research and found that Sony made a good ereader - similar in size to a paperback - but they do not sell them in Australia. Wrote to Sony here and in the US and found it was impossible to buy them through Sony. Then found an Aussie on ebay selling them for a reasonable price - $450 (Aust) so after much humming and harring I decided to buy one.

Man - it was the best thing I ever did. I have over 3000 ebooks on my computer, now I just download 100 at a time to my reader then when I have finished that lot I start on the next 100.

Can even put audio, songs and pictures on it.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Week 6 of the saga

Went back to the Drs, had an xray first - yipee!! At last the fragments are getting new bone over them.

I am out of the sling - the Dr wants me to use the arm so it doesn't freeze up any more, have to see the physio on Monday to see if they can get any more movement out of it.

The most exciting part is I can drive!! I drive a manual and the Doc said it would be exercise for my arm, if it hurts I have to wait a week and then try again. Took a little drive today and it wasn't too bad, pulling on the handbrake was a bit hard but changing gears was fine. Still not allowed to lift or carry anything - the Doc emphasised that my arm is still very fragile and will break easily.

Have to go back and see them in 4 weeks but at least I do not need any more xrays.

Hopefully things are turning the corner - this has beren a rreally sh*t year for me and for the family, I just hope that this is the end of our rotten luck and things improve from now on.

Oh yes - forget to say that my computer crashed (again) and I had to go without it for a while thank goodness I am back on line again.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Week 3 of the Broken Arm Saga .....

Back for another Xray and to see the specialist. Different one that last time, this one could make his own decisions ..... lol, although he did have a maniacal grin on his face like someone wanting to inflict pain on another.

Dr - "and how are you today?"

Me - "great as long as you aren't asking about my arm."

DR - so what happened?

Me (read the bloody file) - would like to say i did it having amazing sex but actually - " I tripped over."

Dr -" right. OK lets see how the Xrays look."

Dr - mmmm, yes, ok, mmmm. "Well its broken."


DR - "right you have a very serious number of breaks on the head of the ulna; it hasn't started to heal yet but the good news is none of the fragments have moved. Could you show me how much movement you have?"

Me - "not much." Proceed to straighten arm as much as possible, turn palm up, turn palm down, etc.

DR - "Let me move this."

Me - (under breathe - Sh*t, b*m, d*mn, bloody hell!)

Dr - "its seems quite painful still"

Me - "Well yes, maybe that's because its broken." (Sadly sarcasm tends to come out of my mouth in stressful situations.)

Dr -" haha. Right everyday I want you to straighten, turn your palm up and down, lift above your head, rotate your shoulder and wrist, and wiggle your fingers. This is to be done 10 times with 4 repeats through the day. Come back in 3 weeks have another Xray and we'll take things from there."

Me - "Ok."

Dr - "now this is serious, do not lift anything. If we have to operate we will have to replace the elbow and the ulna and this is major surgery. Regardless of what we do you are not going to get full use back but if we can avoid the operation it will be better."

Me - (under breathe) Yes sir, I will behave. I nod my head.

Dr - "OK just keep up all those exercises, by the way, all those bruises on your arm should be gone by the next time I see you."


Honestly, I was 10 times sorer when I came out that when I went in and, yep he was smiling and laughing all the time.

Boy - I am so wishing I could give in to my impulses and let fly with my other hand!

Monday, September 22, 2008


Well its week two with a broken arm and its a BUMMER!!!

Saw the Drs last week, had an xray first then off to the orthopedic guy. Lots of head shaking and umming as he looked at the xray. Then said "Umm need to show this to the head guy."

Head guy comes in looks at the xrays shakes head, umms.

Okay here is the problem -
1 - you have two breaks
2 - if we operate there is no guarantee it will bend properly because of where the breaks are
3 - if we leave it in the cast there is a very good chance it will fuse that way

Solution -
Remove the cast.

Proceeded to remove cast. Now inflict pain on patient while smiling and nodding head.

Get said patient to straighten arm as much as possible --------- patient starts sweating.

Get patient to bend arm and rotate hand to palm face up ------- patient cannot turn hand very much and is now swearing under breath.

Smile at patient and say OK no cast keep in sling and everyday straighten arm and try and turn hand palm up and then palm down. Remind patient that her arm is broken in two places and not to lift anything. DUH - patient is in PAIN!!!

At this point patient is ready to see if she can break other arm by punching smiley doc in face.

Patient leaves snarling, sweating and with headache.

So now I am wandering the house occasionally trying to straighten, move my hand and curse all drs.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Out of Action ....... Again

Whoops I did it again!

No sewing, no driving, no cleaning (whoopee) for the next 6 weeks or so.

Fell yesterday and apart from embarrassing myself by lying flat on my face, I cut my knee, grazed the other, grazed my face and ..... broke my elbow/arm twice.

In half plaster for a week then back for xray to see if bones have moved - if they have will have to be operated on. Apparently where the breaks are is very awkward to pin or plate so the Spec is trying to avoid it. He also talked about removing bone and inserting titanium.

Boy when I do something I like to make sure it is to the best of my ability.

PS It is my left arm, I'm right handed but the plaster starts at my fingers and goes half way up to my shoulder so no hand sewing. Wasn't dizzy just plain clumsy, didn't see a long car stopper on the ground at the service station and tripped over it.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Look What I Can Do!

Yesterday I went to The Thimblelady, Liuxin Newman's applique class.

There were 6 of us in the class and we were all skeptical when she told us that by the end of the day we would be able to needleturn a tiny circle!

Guess what - here is my tiny circle needleturned - its 7mm wide! Liuxin told us we could go even smaller but not much more. I was so excited (we all were) that we did what we had considered at the start impossible. I certainly will be putting my new skills into action. Have to design a small wall hanging to showcase what I can do.

We learnt to make tiny lines only 1/8 inch wide, circles, arcs and points both convex and concave.

If you get the chance to go to one of her classes don't hesitate it was a great day - lots of learning and lots of laughs.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pick Up

Had a guy try and pick me up the other day - was very flattered but boy was he ugly.

Now don't get me wrong I don't go on peoples looks (I'm no oil painting) but this guy was ugly in himself. He smelt and had a horrid attitude toward females. It got me wondering why on earth he would think I would do the things he suggested with him. Was I sending out the wrong signal or what? Actually I didn't think I was sending any.

He looked younger than me and I do love toy boys (who doesn't) my husband was younger than me, but this guy was so grimy and yuk.

So what sort of signals do we as women send out that attracts these types?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Almost Back to Normal

Sorry it has been soooo long since I have written but the world is only now starting to stop turning....

The vertigo has finally stopped although I still get a little dizzy and lightheaded if I turn my head too quickly or bend over. Had a lot of tests including having to have a brain CT scan as the Drs were very concerned that I may have a brain tumour - after waiting 3 hours in which I panicked about every type of brain tumour I knew, the results then came back clear. And yes I do have a letter to say my brain is normal so there!!

The end result is that the Drs think I had a virus and it just had to run it course.

Been taking things very easy and haven't really done anything for the last 4 weeks; now that the spinning is practically stopped I have a cold but at last that is something relatively

Will get myself back into the swing of things over the next week.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Out Of Action

Just a quick note - haven't been able to play on the computer for quite a while as I am having problems with Vertigo - and the damn computer won't stop spinning.

Took me ages just to write this without being ill.

Have decided to step out of my comfort zone and make the christening gown but that is also on hold at the moment.

Hopefully I will get back onto a steady world soon.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Project Idea

A girlfriend of mine runs classes for machine embroidery and also patchwork and yesterday she had a "Christmas in July' get together. I decided it was time to force myself out into the world again so I went and had a great time.

We had to take items for show and tell and some of the work from the others in the group was amazing - one lady 'L' had made a lovely quilt that featured blocks of appliqued houses, not satisfied with that she had then machine embroidered gardens of flowers onto each block - some with gazebo's, birds in bird baths, etc. It was wonderful.

Anyway our hostess set a challenge - A creative project, any size, any theme but it must be completed by 30th November.

Now comes the big decision - what to make?

DIL and son are thinking of starting a family and I fell in love with a christening gown in a magazine months ago - I could make that although I wouldn't put the pastel colours in I would make it in the same tone of cream or ivory. The only thing stopping me is I am not I repeat NOT a very good sewer and I would hate to make a mess of the actual gown. Still I am tempted to step out of my comfort zone.

The other thing is to make a table clothe or runner full of cutwork - I have done a bit of this at the moment and like to finished product - this would be better for my mediocre sewing skills as it would be a rectangle or square with maybe some inset lace as well as the cutwork.

Then of course, I could finish one of my many UFO's ............ ...

....................... even Fozzie thought that idea was funny!!

So I spent last night pouring over magazines and today I am off the scour the web for ideas, who knows what I will find. Keep watching for my final decision.

Monday, June 30, 2008

3 Day Holiday

My wonderful sister in law and her husband just took me away for a three day weekend to Kiama.

We had a marvellous time. We stopped at a camping site just south of the main town and it was wonderful. It was a two story 'cabin' and I had the top floor with a beautiful view of the private beach and surrounds.

We visited the blowhole, famous in the area, and I managed a few reasonable photos.

The next morning we set off to Minnamurra Rainforest Park and it was the most awe inspiring walk through the floor of the forest.
Our path followed the river as it tumbled along past amazing trees and lovely ferns. It would tumble across large rocks creating minature waterfalls.
We were fortunate not have many people around and were able to quietly wander around nature's best.

We even saw 5 lyre birds at various spots along our 2km walk!

It was really a spiritual experience - breathtaking scenery, amazingly quiet, huge trees and forest canopy. Mother Nature had surpassed herself!

After that we headed up the mountains to the Illawarra Fly Tree Top Walk an amazing set of walkways perched in the tree tops along with a few amazing cantilevered walks.

The views were spectacular -

you could see all the way to the coast - plus the forest itself was beautiful and so dense in places.

I even took a photo of a tree fern seen from above - Fibonacci sequence .

After lunch we drove through Robertson and then down Kangaroo Valley to Fitzroy Falls, travelling over the wonderful Hampden Bridge, the oldest suspension bridge in Australia (build in 1898).

We finished our day with a walk to the Falls, passing a little set of rapids as the river journey to its dramatic drop over the escarpment.

The falls are really dramatic, falling over 80 metres onto rocks at its base

I took a few photographs of some banksia, immortalised in the wonderful children's book of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie. who had a villainous character based on a banksia.

Our drive back to our cabin was filled with hairpin turns along with breathtaking scenery - all in all a wonderful day.

Our journey back to Sydney the next day was leisurely with occasional stops to look at beaches or just to catch our breath.

Kiama is only about 2 hours from Sydney but it was a lovely holiday and "just what the doctor ordered."

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dr Who

Don't forget this Sunday at 7.30 Channel 2 (or 202 for Foxtel digital) for the latest Dr Who - Voyage of the Damned -featuring Kylie Minogue; the start of series 4.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Nathan's school photo

My grandson gave me a copy of his school photo - they had been made into bookmarks which I thought was a good idea.

I was surprised when I saw it - he looks so much older than his tender years but sooo cute! He doesn't like it because you can see the top of his scar from his open heart surgery. Ah the vanities of youth!

To everyone who has written to me after my husband's recent death I thank you all so much. It has been and still is a rotten time for me but all those words of comfort and concern are helping me to get through this blank period in my life. Everyone assures me this pain will ease off and I will re-enter the world - thank you all!

A really big thank you to Sheila (Aubirdwoman) who has 'held my hand' and sent me cyber cuddles when I needed them and even when I thought I didn't she still sent them and I loved it!!

Just for the Cat's Mum here are a few snaps of the dogs - they have been playing with an old soft drink bottle for two days and it keeps changing ownership.

Forgot to add - Grandson Nathan is 5!